Mrs Becky Cheshire

Mrs Becky Cheshire

Gender: Female

Job Summary

The Health & Social Care Coordinator is a GP and patient facing role, working closely and in partnership with the Social Prescribing Link worker. The Health & Social Care Coordinator will identify and work with a list of named patients, with the aim of encouraging independence, enabling people to remain at home, reducing unnecessary admissions to hospitals and supporting early discharge from hospital, improving the quality of care. We provide feedback to the practices, troubleshoot and escalate actions as necessary, providing advocacy for service users.

What I can do

  • Discuss and manage a patient’s care pathway, liaising between health and social care services using the appropriate procedures/referral mechanisms.
  • Coordinate a patient’s care plan, with all relevant care agencies (e.g. secondary care, community services, Mental Health, Social Services, Ambulance Service, Voluntary services and other relevant service providers).
  • Provide support services to patients on the Palliative Care Register.
  • Offer advice and signposting to patients and their carers to other health/social care services - for example, Voluntary sectors, Adult Services and care agencies, physio and DNs etc.
  • Book and manage AUA and Dementia Care Planning appointments with Practice Nurses and GPs.

What I can't do

  • Medical referrals either through ICE or ERS. These must go through a GP Assistant

How to refer

  • Please send a task to Patient Services addressed directly.
  • Please provide a little information about the reason for referral.