Request Your Repeat Prescription


Please allow three full working days for prescriptions to be processed by the surgery.
If you collect your medication from a pharmacy and not the surgery please be aware they may require a further three days.
Please remember to take weekends and bank holidays into account when requesting a prescription.

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Order Online via the Airmid Smartphone & Tablet App

Linked directly to the practice clinical system, the Airmid app enables you to request medication on your repeat list as well as medications not on repeat but that you regularly take. It is a safe and simple way to request your medication. It links to the NHS App so you will not need separate log in details. 


Need Help? Find support about the Airmid App

This is only available on Smartphones and Tablets

Airmid Logo

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Order Online via SystmOnline on your Desktop

Almost half of our patients already have system online. It is web based so can accessed from a PC or laptop. If you do not have access, please click here to request system online access


This is available on Smartphones, Tablets and desktops.

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Order using the NHS App

Owned and run by the NHS, the NHS App is a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services.

The simplest and quickest way to order your repeat medication is by using the NHS App which links directly to your prescription record at the practice.


Need Help? Find help and support using the NHS App

You can also access the NHS App via your desktop

Image of the NHS App

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By Post or by Hand

You can post your prescription slip or written request to us at the Practice

Clearly mark the items required.


Unfortunately we cannot take your repeat order over the telephone.


We are a dispensing practice and unless you live within 1 mile of a chemist (as the crow flies) you will be able to obtain your medicines from the surgery. However, if you live within 1 mile of a dispensing chemist, the NHS rules that we are not permitted to dispense to you. We have to issue a signed prescription instead.

  • Lambourn Surgery Dispensary: 01488 674040 - This is an answerphone service which is checked several times a day, excluding weekends and bank holidays.

See our dispensary collection opening times 

Medication Reviews

Patients on repeat medication will be asked at least once a year to review these; certain medication may require more regular review. A notification message should appear on your repeat prescription slip when one is due.

Medication reviews are undertaken by the GP and can either be a face-to-face appointment or alternatively more are being undertaken over the telephone as a telephone consultation.

There are a couple of exceptions where our nursing staff will review medication if you attend one of our specialist clinics e.g. diabetes or asthma but it is always good to check if you are not sure.

As soon as you get this message on your prescription slip and to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions please book an appointment which could be a telephone consultation or a face-to-face appointment.

Request a medication review online

Further Information